We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
- Walt Disney -
- Walt Disney -
The picture above is not new, but old. It is the remains of the rock wall lining the driveway entrance to the Lambert homestead. Come to this page to find out what's new to the Alpine Nature Center.
9 November 2018
Who Knew? -
Who Knew? -
- Living in Alpine gives us the unique opportunity to live life in the penumbra for a brief moment each day. When the sun first starts peaking over East Mountain a faint shadow begins to appear. Learn more about this eerie effect on out Penumbra page in Who Knew?.
2 November 2018
Who Knew? -
Who Knew? -
- That zig-zag trail up the eastern hillside is known by many as the "Three Mines Trail". But did you know there is a fourth shaft associated with this mine? Find out more in the Three Mines Trail section of Who Knew?.
20 October 2018
Who Knew? -
Who Knew? -
- Ever wonder why there are more acorns in some years? So have scientists - find out more about acorn cycles in the Acorn Bonanza section of Who Knew?.
5 October 2018
Open Spaces -
Open Spaces -
- Each month, the Alpine Nature Center is posting nature hikes in Lambert Park that feature different flowers, trees or bushes in bloom. Hike with friends, family or by yourself and learn more about the natural world around you. Earn a badge for each completed hike! Find out more in our Alpine Nature Hikes section of Open Spaces. The sixth hike, Fall Colors!, has been published!
5 September 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- Summer is almost over, but there are still blooms to be seen. Find them in What's in Bloom.
31 July 2018
Activities -
Open Spaces -
Activities -
- Alpine Nature Center in partnership with the American Rivers Foundation is hosting a cleanup of Dry Creek Canyon. Bring the whole family out to help out our community and cleanup a beautiful piece of our community. We'll start at 8am on 18 August at the Horse Tail Falls trail Head. Find out more on our Activities page! See you there!
Open Spaces -
- Each month, the Alpine Nature Center is posting nature hikes in Lambert Park that feature different flowers, trees or bushes in bloom. Hike with friends, family or by yourself and learn more about the natural world around you. Earn a badge for each completed hike! Find out more in our Alpine Nature Hikes section of Open Spaces. The fifth hike, Dog Days of August!, has been published!
29 July 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- Even though we are in hot and dry days, we still have new blooms in Lambert Park! Come see the Wild Carrot and Yellow Monkeyflower in What's in Bloom.
20 July 2018
Who Knew? -
Stewardship -
Who Knew? -
- Ever have fun sliding down an icy slope? Just think of how much fun it would have been for that slope to be Dry Creek canyon! Pleistocene Age glaciers advanced and retreated many times over the past 1.8 million years, dramatically carving and shaping the mountains surrounding Alpine City. Find out more on the Glaciers, Lakes and Earthquakes page of Who Knew?.
Stewardship -
- Get thirsty on those sunny days in Utah? Read about a project that will help the health of wildlife population and keep them watered up on the hills on the Deer Guzzler page of the Open Spaces section.
15 July 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- Is there anything more beautiful than an amber wave of grain? Find out more about the grains, grasses and still blooming flora in Lambert Park on the What's in Bloom page!
5 July 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- There ain't no cure for the summertime blooms! Think it's too hot and dry? Think again! Find out more on the What's in Bloom page!
1 July 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- It's chicory, cherry and grass time around Alpine! Find out more on the What's in Bloom page!
- Each month, the Alpine Nature Center is posting nature hikes in Lambert Park that feature different flowers, trees or bushes in bloom. Hike with friends, family or by yourself and learn more about the natural world around you. Earn a badge for each completed hike! Find out more in our Alpine Nature Hikes section of Open Spaces. The fourth hike, July is Berry Nice!, has been published!
27 June 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- We are now into summer and flowers are still blooming! Find out about the new bloomers in Lambert Park on the What's in Bloom page!
16 June 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- So you've heard about the flowers, but what about the trees? Find out about fourteen different trees prospering in Lambert Park on the What's in Bloom page!
15 June 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- Two more new blooms in Lambert Park! Come see them on the What's in Bloom page!
10 June 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- Four more new blooms in Lambert Park! Come see them on the What's in Bloom page!
4 June 2018
Who Knew? -
Who Knew? -
- The poor, misunderstood Box Elder Tree. So much has been named after you - creeks, mountains and even bugs! How much do you know about this prolific (in name and nature) tree? Find out more on our new Box Elder Boys and Girls section in Who Knew?.
3 June 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- Six more new blooms in Lambert Park! Come see them on the What's in Bloom page!
25 May 2018
Open Spaces -
Open Spaces -
- Each month, the Alpine Nature Center is posting nature hikes in Lambert Park that feature different flowers, trees or bushes in bloom. Hike with friends, family or by yourself and learn more about the natural world around you. Earn a badge for each completed hike! Find out more in our Alpine Nature Hikes section of Open Spaces. The third hike, June's a Poppin'!, has been published!
- We've seen ten more new bloomers in the last three days! Come see all the new blooms on the What's in Bloom page!
22 May 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- The poppies at Lambert Ruin are starting to bloom! Come see them and three other new blooms on the What's in Bloom page!
18 May 2018
Open Spaces -
Open Spaces -
- Have you wondered where your drinking water comes from? How about your irrigation water? Why does Dry Creek disappear after July 10? The answers might surprise you! Join us for a tour of Lambert Park focusing on where our water comes from and where it goes to! Find out more on our Water Tour page of Open Spaces.
16 May 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- Eight is great! Eight more flowers in Lambert Park are a bloomin'! Come see them all on the What's in Bloom page!
10 May 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- More flowers! More every week - seven more have been added to our growing list! Come see them all on the What's in Bloom page!
7 May 2018
Open Spaces -
Open Spaces -
- Each month, the Alpine Nature Center is posting nature hikes in Lambert Park that feature different flowers, trees or bushes in bloom. Hike with friends, family or by yourself and learn more about the natural world around you. Earn a badge for each completed hike! Find out more in our Alpine Nature Hikes section of Open Spaces. The second hike, May Flowers!, has been published!
3 May 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- More flowers! We've discovered eight more flowers in bloom! Come see them all on the What's in Bloom page!
21 April 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- Spring is bustin' out all over! Five new yellow flowers and one red one! Come see them all on the What's in Bloom page!
20 April 2018
Open Spaces -
Open Spaces -
- About 1,100 8 inch sagebrush, serviceberry, mountain mahogany, and silver buffaloberry plants were planted in Lambert Park on 14 April 2018. Thanks to the community volunteers who made this happen! To give our new plants a good chance at survival they need to be watered daily if possible. So we need you to volunteer again - this time to help water these new seedlings. Find out more on our Winter Ranch Planting page of Open Spaces.
17 April 2018
Open Spaces -
Open Spaces -
- Each month, starting in April 2018, the Alpine Nature Center will post suggested nature hikes in Lambert Park that feature different flowers, trees or bushes in bloom. Hike with friends, family or by yourself as you commune with nature and learn more about the natural world around you. Enjoy the beauty of Alpine, find some of the many plants and flowers in Lambert Park, take a picture and earn a badge for each completed hike! Find out more in our Alpine Nature Hikes section of Open Spaces. The first hike, Spring Has Sprung, has been published!
16 April 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- More flowers are starting to bloom! The glacier lily and the dandelion are now here also. Check out their photos and find out more about them on the What's in Bloom page.
9 April 2018
Open Spaces -
Open Spaces -
- A new mountain panorama looking to the south is now available! Come take a look at the panorama on the Mountain Panoramas page of Open Spaces.
4 April 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- More flowers are starting to bloom! Check out their photos and find out more about them on the What's in Bloom page.
3 April 2018
What's in Bloom -
What's in Bloom -
- The first flowers of the season are up in Lambert Park! They are small, so you have to pay attention when you're looking for them. See photos and find out more about them on the What's in Bloom page.
28 March 2018
Who Knew? -
Who Knew? -
- Who wouldn't like to have a lakeside cabin? Except during the days of Lake Bonneville, Alpine would have been underwater! Read more about the lake and the proposed Bonneville Shoreline Trail on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail page of Who Knew?.
6 March 2018
Open Spaces -
Open Spaces -
- Get to know the Alpine flora! Each month, starting in April 2018 we will be posting a suggested hike where you can find different flowers, trees or bushes in bloom. You will be able to print out a page with the hiking route as well as the flowers you will find. Take a friend, your family, or just yourself. For more information stop by the Alpine Nature Hikes section under Trails in Open Spaces.
3 March 2018
Who Knew? -
Who Knew? -
- Does your yard fill up with deer dung during the winter? The tell-tales signs may be spread around your yard in piles that look like several cans of black beans were dumped in your grass. Have you ever asked yourself a few questions about deer scat? If so, find the answers on the Deer Doo page of Who Knew?
20 February 2018
General -
General -
- We have done some housekeeping! As the site has expanded, we felt it necessary to move some things around and add a little bit more organization. Don't worry, nothing has been lost and hopefully all your favorites are still easy to find. If you are having a hard time finding something, just go the site map.
- Our largest bird photo contributor has been Andrew Judd, a resident of Payson, Utah! Almost all of the bird pictures we have to date were taken by him. We are grateful to him for the generosity he has shown us in sharing his pictures with us. We've asked him to share a little personal information, which is not only interesting, but might be of help to Alpine bird watchers! Find out more about Utah County resident, Andrew Judd, whose hard work has provided the basis for our bird identification pages!
7 February 2018
Stewardship -
Stewardship -
- Make a date with Lambert Park! The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources in partnership with Utah sportsman groups and the Alpine Nature Center has developed a project to help improve the remaining winter range at the foothills around Alpine for mule deer. The project will reduce the need for mule deer to look for food in peoples' yards and have them be able to instead find the food they need in open spaces like Lambert Park. Find out more info and how to volunteer on the Winter Range Planting page in the Stewardship section.
- Looking for a taste of the Mediterranean in your own backyard? Look no further than the Mountain Mahogany tree, which can be found in Lambert Park. Find out more about this old forest companion that we have in our midst on the Mountain Mahogany page of the Who Knew? section.
5 February 2018
Birds -
Birds -
- We have gathered enough bird pictures from Utah County birders that we have separated them into two pages to make it easier to scroll through the list. Raptors, or birds of prey, are on their own page, and all other birds share a different page. Check out the links to the new photos and the new structure on the new Birds in the Wild page.
14 January 2018
Birds -
Birds -
- We continue to feather our nest! We now have 45 different local area birds identified! Check them out on the Bird Identification page in our Birds area of the Wildlife section.
Want to find the old "What's New!" entries? Find them by clicking here.